Posts in Dating
This is Why It's So Hard to Breakup with Your Partner

Deciding whether you should stay or go, can be one of the hardest decisions you will ever make.

A few months ago I came across some research that speaks to the dilemma of deciding  whether to stay or go. Researchers at the University of Utah, in collaboration with researchers from the University of Toronto, had found the top 50 reasons why couples stay together or split up. They narrowed it down to a list of 27 reasons when people would stay in a relationship and 23 reasons why they would leave. Samantha Joel, the lead author of the study and her colleages were surprised at how many mixed feelings couples had about their relationships. 

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Fall in Love with Your Dating Life

What’s your relationship with dating? It’s been my experience that most people view dating as a chore, and it’s not uncommon for me to hear “I hate dating.” Of course dating certainly can be a challenge, even daunting. But really, do you hate the process of finding someone to love? When you stop and think, it makes little sense to bring this attitude to the process of finding and developing this, the most important relationship in your life. Dating with this negative mindset can lead to dating self-sabotage. If you’re single and want an amazing, uplifting partnership, why not begin by examining your dating attitude? Not only will you improve your chances of actually finding the love that you seek, but you’ll also enjoy the process along the way.

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