Helping you to take a proactive approach to dating, so that you can stop feeling frustrated and disappointed, and start enjoying your dating life with full confidence that you will find the love you want.
I’m tired of dating. It’s all so depressing.
What if I never meet someone special?
Online dating just doesn’t work for me.
I have no idea how to get back into the dating game
Why do I keep attracting the wrong men/women?
If any of this sounds like you, you’re not alone. The majority of people I talk to about dating tell me that they’re frustrated and disillusioned about their dating lives.
In addition to all the effort that goes into dating - the apps, texting, getting ready - dating is also a significant investment - of time, energy, and money. All of those dates can really add up!
Considering that the quality of lives is determined by the quality of our close relationships, as determined in this Harvard study, it’s surprising that so many singles leave it to chance.
One of the main reasons for this is the great misconception that love will “happen when it happens,” or that “love will find you when you’re least looking.”
But what if love doesn’t find you?
Yet, given how fundamentally important romantic relationships are to us as humans, should you rely on this kind of wishful thinking and leave finding love to chance?
Another misconception is that dating is simply a numbers game. Although going on more dates may increase your chances of finding the one a bit, dating more of the wrong people will never get you the love you so desperately want.
In the same way we’re encouraged to pursue our career goals - by getting clear on what kind of profession you want, skilling up, and marketing ourselves online and offline - I recommend applying this kind of proactive, strategic approach to finding love.
There is no shame in wanting to find love.
Many highly eligible and successful seek guidance for their love lives. In fact, the majority of my clients are men and women who have no problem getting dates in general (often the opposite), but they’re disheartened by the quality of those connections.
They want a real connection; they want something that is going last; they want to be one of those couples everyone admires.
As a dating strategist, I understand the frustration and hopelessness of dating that goes nowhere.
That’s why I developed Dating by Design, a strategic, proactive dating plan (much like a business plan,) that will not only help you attract better, higher quality dates to dramatically increase your chances of finding the love you want, but you’ll also start enjoying your dating life. Yes, I said, enjoy.
Dating by Design
My approach to date coaching is very different in that the men and women I work with don't have a problem getting dates, but they want better dates. Often, they feel frustrated that they're not attracting the right kinds of dates, lacking a sense of real connection, or things don't progress with the people they're interested in.
Dating by Design takes a formulated, strategic approach to finding love that part science, part art. Whether you're looking for the one to grow old with (a long-term partnership) or you want to explore casual dating or anything in between - my method can help you achieve your heart's desire.
As a part of our work together, we’ll:
Create your "dating canvas" to better understand yourself and what you truly want and need. This will serve as a sort of dating compass to help you to sift and sort with ease, and stay on track
Create a dating plan that works seamlessly with your lifestyle
Create a concise and powerful/compelling "list" using my signature process
Help you to date based on compatibility, instead of being driven by attraction
Help you learn to date outside your type to increase your dating pool significantly
Help you learn how to date - meaning that you will learn how to date multiple people guilt-free
Dating by Design includes everything you need to create a plan of action that will allow you to get better dates, and enjoy the dating process.
1:1 Dating Strategy Sessions
The foundation of our work together will be our one-on-one coaching sessions. During our bi-weekly 1-hour sessions over three months, we’ll put together a personalized dating plan that works through my 8-step process above/below.
Personalized “Dating by Design” Plan
By the time our work is complete, you will have an easy-to-follow dating plan that you can continue well beyond our time together.
Recommended Resources
I will also curate a list of books, articles, and other resources that may be helpful to your particular situation.
Social Media Strategy
In reality, all social media platforms (including LinkedIn) are dating sites. As such, it’s essential to make sure that all of your social media accounts represent your authentic self and present well.
About Your Dating Strategist
Natalia Juarez | BAH, B.Ed
After my broken engagement at the age of 30, I was determined to turn my love life around. I did everything I could - therapy, books, online programs, etc.
My first career was as an elementary school teacher. Today I’m a certified dating coach, holistic coach, yoga teacher, with degrees in Gender Studies and Education.
My mission is to help men and women have healthy, fulfilling relationships so they can lead powerful, impactful lives.
My work has been featured on Good Morning America, GQ, Vice Media, NPR, The Walls Street Journal amongst major Canadian Media.