Give yourself the best possible chances of getting back together with your ex. Or walk away with the peace of mind knowing you did everything you could.
I want my ex back. I'll do anything.
I really regret messing things up with my partner...is there anything I can do to fix this?
I think I want my ex back, but I'm not 100% sure it's a good idea.
If you've been through a recent breakup and have some serious doubts, you may be stuck dealing with these thoughts in your head.
And while these thoughts are perfectly natural and relatively harmless on their own, the place where most people run into trouble is when they act on them.
Often, this means people turn to the internet and find all sorts of tricks and gimmicks (like the deeply flawed no-contact rule) to "get" exes back – but the truth is, most of these tactics are useless and will only hurt your chances (and the relationship) in the long run.
You see, the majority of what's out there is based on manipulative tactics like reverse psychology and persuasion. This means that if you have to resort to using them, you'll have to maintain those manipulative tactics even if you get back together.
And ultimately, if you don't get back together for the right, genuine reasons, your relationship will unlikely last in the long run. It would be unsustainable, and it's unfair to your ex (or yourself) to get back together on such disingenuous terms.
And that’s why my clients turn to me for help.
One of the main reasons my clients choose to work with me instead of overpriced "get your ex back" coaches is because of my sincere (or what some may even call brutally honest) approach to "conscious recoupling."
To start, I'll be upfront about the fact that although I cannot guarantee that you’ll get your ex back (and I’d consider it to be highly dishonest and unethical for anyone to claim that), I can assure you that if you genuinely had a good, healthy connection with your ex in the first place, I can help you maximize your chances of getting another opportunity. So you can, at the very least, walk away knowing you did everything you could.
But I do need to be realistic here. In my experience, in most cases, there’s only about a 20% chance of winning back an ex.
That said, I’ve taken hundreds of clients through my 3-Step Conscious Recoupling Process to help them determine their likelihood of a successful reconciliation, follow through on the work that needed to be done to repair the relationship, and, ultimately, get back together with their ex in a healthy and sustainable way if they could.
Dozens of my clients have gotten back together after going through this process with me (and several of these reconnected couples have ended up engaged or married as well).
My 3-Step “Conscious Recoupling” Process: Review, Repair & Rebuild
The process of attempting to reconcile with or winning back an ex is extremely delicate, given all the challenges involved.
That’s why I’ve built out a specific 3-step “conscious recoupling” process over the years that I’ll take you through if we work together. This process is based on my years of experience with my clients and extensive research and training on the psychology of relationships.
Step 1: Review your relationship via my 7Cs Relationship Assessment to determine the likelihood of a sustainable, long-lasting reconciliation
This first step is almost always missing from “get your ex back” schemes out there (and skipping it often leads to longer, more prolonged heartbreak down the road).
But the reality is, when I work with clients, one of the first questions they ask is whether they should try to get back together with their ex. For example, were there red or yellow flags? Or was the relationship unhealthy, unsustainable, or unworkable somehow?
Because of this, our first step together will be to go through my 7Cs Relationship Assessment – built from the seven areas I’ve identified as the key to loving, fulfilling, and sustainable relationships.
By going through this assessment together, we’ll have a clear idea of the relationship challenges and the “assets” we have to work with—ultimately getting a clear picture of the true odds of getting back together.
And if we discover that saving the relationship simply isn’t viable, we’ll still be able to work together to help you get closure and let go of your ex. So you can heal your heart and move on.
Step 2: Repair your relationship challenges
If we determine in step 1 that your relationship has a strong chance for reconciliation, the reasons for your breakup need to be addressed at the root.
Through our work together at this stage, we’ll be able to help identify what went wrong in the past, what actually caused the breakup (it’s often not the reason we believe it is at first glance), and determine what needs to be done to repair the relationship at large.
In many relationships (in the past, mine included), the missing pieces in cultivating a healthy, stable, and lasting relationship is learning and using essential relationship skills such as effective communication, building trust, attachment, etc.
Step 3: Rebuild your connection with your ex via a strategic, authentic communication plan
Our final step will be to take all that we’ve learned about yourself (and your ex) in steps 1 and 2 to create a strategic plan that reopens lines of communication and works to rebuild the relationship while still considering and acknowledging what went wrong the first time.
For many of my clients, the hallmark of this step will be working together on a letter to your ex. By following my signature letter template and prompts, you’ll have a structured way to communicate everything you never got to say to your ex in a safe, secure, and confident way.
This work together includes:
1:1 “Conscious Recoupling” Coaching Sessions
The foundation of our work together will be our one-on-one “get your ex back” coaching sessions. During these 60-minute calls, we’ll put together a personalized conscious recoupling plan that works through my 3-step process outlined above.
Support in Crafting a Letter to Your Ex with My Signature "Relationship Rebuild Letter Template”
All of my clients who have successfully won back their exes have done so with letters that we've carefully crafted together using my signature letter structure.
These letters offer my clients the ability to communicate with their exes in a way they would never be able to otherwise, acknowledge past mistakes, and establish the work they are committed to doing to repair the relationship now and into the future.
Personalized List of Resources
I’ll also recommend a curated list of books, articles, and other resources that will be helpful to your particular situation.
Development of a Social Media Strategy
Social media has made breakups even harder. Because of this, many of my clients appreciate having a social media strategy plan as a part of their overall communication plan so they can focus on their next steps (and not on seeing painful notifications or images of their ex).
In other words, our work together includes everything you need to develop a strategic plan of action to reconnect with your ex, move beyond your past issues, and create a new future (together, if possible).
About Your Coach
Natalia Juarez | BAH, B.Ed
Not only have I helped others successfully recouple, but I have also had personal success with this process.
My first career was as an elementary school teacher. Today I’m a certified dating coach, holistic coach, yoga teacher, with degrees in Gender Studies and Education.
My mission is to help men and women have healthy, fulfilling relationships so they can lead powerful, impactful lives.
My work has been featured on Good Morning America, GQ, Vice Media, NPR, The Walls Street Journal amongst major Canadian Media.